Developer Guide

The ATDome CSC is implemented using ts_salobj.

The CSC controls the dome using a TCP/IP connection to a low-level controller provided by Astronomical Consulting Equipment. Here is the software manual and code for that low-level controller, as well as an electrical diagram.


The primary classes are:

  • ATDomeCsc: controller for the auxiliary telescope dome.
  • MockDomeController: simulator for the auxiliary telescope dome TCP/IP interface.

lsst.ts.ATDome Package


ATDomeCsc([config_dir, initial_state, …]) AuxTel dome CSC
MockDomeController(port[, door_time, …]) Mock DomeController that talks over TCP/IP.
Status(lines) Parsed data of the output from “+”, the full status command.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.ts.ATDome.dome_csc.ATDomeCsc, lsst.ts.ATDome.mock_controller.MockDomeController, lsst.ts.ATDome.status.Status

Build and Test

This is a pure python package. There is nothing to build except the documentation. ATDome
setup -r .
pytest -v  # to run tests
package-docs clean; package-docs build  # to build the documentation


lsst.ts.ATDome is developed at Bug reports and feature requests use Jira with labels=ts_ATDome.